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Image by Dana DeVolk

Therapeutic Massage

Massage Services Menu

Therapeutic Massage

Each massage is customized to meet your needs and includes the option of complimentary hot stones & sustainable organic essential oils. Our expert massage therapists incorporate deep knowledge and nurturing touch in every massage. Techniques may include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myo-facial Release, Hot Stone, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Structural Massage, TMJ Relief, Pregnancy and Post-natal, and/or Aromatherapy.


60 minutes . . . $130

90 minutes . . . $170

120 minutes . . . $250 

TMJ Relief

Victoria is trained in TMJ dysfunction techniques that help relieve tension from the jaw caused by grinding, clenching, and stress. For this treatment we will focus on the areas of the body that directly affect the temporomandibular joint. Specifically the neck, shoulders, scalp, face, and jaw and mouth (both externally and internally). This treatment is ideal to support anyone experiencing TMJ symptoms, clicking, popping, tinnitus, headaches, or general jaw tension.


60 minutes . . . $130

90 minutes . . . $170

120 minutes . . . $250 

Abdominal Massage

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on ancient Mayan techniques. This external non-invasive abdominal manipulation guides organs into their proper position, improves the flow of nutrients to organs & encourages the removal of toxins. Arvigo ® Therapy is best known for addressing many common digestive disorders as well as supporting reproductive health in both men and women. Read more about Maya Abdominal Therapy here.

Initial Session 2 hrs . . . $270

Follow up session 90 min. . . $170

Follow up session 60 min. . . $160


Nurturing massage services tailored to accompany you through every stage of your 

fertility journey, pregnancy, and postpartum period with the utmost care and expertise. Our skilled massage therapists specialize in providing gentle, effective support before, throughout, and after your pregnancy journey, ensuring your comfort and safety at every moment. Our body cushion system and props will fully cradle and support your body and baby safely during your massage experience.

60 min. . . $130

90 min. . . $170


Enhance your treatment by adding any of the following to your session.

Foot Scrub and Hand Scrub Treatment 

Enjoy an invigorating, relaxing, and detoxifying foot scrub and/or hand scrub featuring Maliē Organics body products. Family owned and organically made in Kauai, HI, Maliē body polish and body moisturizers are made to exfoliate and deeply hydrate the skin bringing softer healthier skin cells to the surface. The natural glycolic in the sugar scrub regenerates and softens the skin on a deep level while transporting you to the Hawaiian tropical islands. The body cream leaves your feet and hands deeply hydrated with waves of gentle tropical essence in each inhale. This enhancement is not to be underestimated in its deep benefits, and can be added to any massage, body treatment, or facial session.

Foot or hand scrub . . . $25

Foot and hand scrub combo . . . $40

Lymphatic Facial massage

Enjoy a lymphatic facial massage with our organic and sustainable facial oil by LIVE Botanicals using rose quartz facial tools. LIVE Botanicals are harmonic infusions of traditional herbalist based formulations and results-driven scientific approaches. With a core focus on strengthening the skin biome and barrier, and guided by intentional sourcing to navigate the environmental and social impact in every step. The rose quartz facial tools are used in conjunction with the application of your facial oil  to activate the meridians, calm muscles, and drain lymph from the face. This firms, tones, and tightens the skin, produces notable relaxation throughout the face and body, activates acupuncture points and meridians to increase health of the skin and the whole body, and more.

Add-on . . . $20

What to Expect

It is important to allow the body and skin to heal in its own time. That being said please allow yourself plenty of time after your facial or body treatment to slowly and fully acclimate back into your day. If you have a time commitment after your session please make it known when booking or when you arrive to your session. You will want to drink plenty of water after your session to help move the toxins out of your body.

Cancellation Policy

There is a 48 hour cancellation policy.

Please call prior to 48 hours from your appointment time to change or cancel to avoid paying full cost.

"I have been receiving bodywork from Victoria for over 10 years now. She has seen my body through two pregnancies, various ailments, and intensely stressful circumstances. Victoria is undoubtedly a true healer. She is naturally intuitive and is constantly striving to deepen her knowledge of the human body. Her commitment to her clients is amazing. We began working together through massage and I now receive regular facials as well. I have seen a dramatic improvement in my skin. The products she uses are utterly and literally yummy. Her facials are relaxing and therapeutic, just like her massages. Victoria is an incredibly gifted and intuitive therapist. I highly recommend her."

~P. W. Oakland

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